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Product of the Month: Proenzi 99

Product of the Month: Proenzi 99




What is Proenzi 99?

What is Proenzi 99?
Which ingredient is the main ingredient and how does it work?

What are the effects of taking it?
Are there any side effects when taking it? Is the product safe?
What are the characteristics of Proenzi 99 compared to other products?

Proenzi99 is a scientifically balanced blend of herbs and minerals traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicine. Designed to curb hunger, reduce cravings, increase mental and physical energy levels, and boost metabolism, Proenzi99's active ingredient is Ephedrine, Also known as ma huang or ephedra. This is a highly effective traditional Chinese herbal remedy that has been used for thousands of years for a variety of health benefits, from nasal congestion to weight loss and boosting energy. Abundance Naturally's Proenzi99™ is the most widely used form of ephedra in Canada and one of the few products approved by Health Canada as a safe and effective treatment for nasal congestion.




Which ingredient is the main ingredient and how does it work?

The main ingredient is Ephedrine Hydrochloride. Ephedrine is a product used by bodybuilders and athletes to lose body fat. It is very effective for dieting and shows the effect of losing body fat without a difference in individual exercise capacity level. Ephedrine has the same effect of reducing body fat regardless of male/female. Since women generally weigh less than men, it is recommended to lower the maximum dose by half, and since it shows an appetite suppressant effect in most people, it can be of great help to those who are on a moderate diet with a diet plan to reduce body fat.




What are the effects of taking it?

Proenzi99 is a natural nasal decongestant that helps relieve nasal congestion caused by colds, allergies and hay fever. Other benefits include suppressing hunger, reducing appetite cravings, improving mental and physical energy levels, and boosting metabolism. Many people use Proenzi 99 as an effective weight loss supplement as it provides tools to reduce fat and convert unwanted body fat into lean muscle. However, Proenzi99 is not approved for this use in Canada.




Are there any side effects when taking it? Is the product safe?

Since ephedrine, the main ingredient of Proenzi99, is a stimulant, it has the same side effects as stimulants such as caffeine, clanbuterol, albuterol, and cocaine, but it is safe when used in an appropriate amount. Common side effects include hand tremors, insomnia, headaches, increased blood pressure, dizziness, nausea, and restlessness. Special attention is required when administering high doses of ephedrine, as strong side effects such as irregular heart rate, difficulty breathing, vomiting, and diarrhea may occur. In addition, it is recommended that those who are sensitive to caffeine or who cannot sleep after drinking coffee should avoid using ephedrine. The dosage of ephedrine for body fat reduction should generally be used within the range of 50 mg to 150 mg per day.




What are the characteristics of Proenzi 99 compared to other products?

Proenzi99 has been a national bestseller since 1999 and is easily recognized by its bright gold label.Abundance Naturally promotes the safe and effective use of Proenzi99 as a nasal congestion supplement.However, many people believe in the efficacy of its main ingredient, ephedrine, and use it as an alternative means to help with weight loss.